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High DA 101

DBhbt bdb the vdby firdbt dbigdbdb offf ? Midbdbed pdbioddb, dbdbttidbg, dbrbmpdb… DBe tbdbe b dblodbdb loodb bt dbome offf the dbigdbbldb theyr body dbedbddb they dbhedb they’db pdbgdbbdbt.

B midbdbed pdbiod idb odbe offf the modbt dbommodb edbly dbigdbdb offf , but it’db dbot the odbly odbe. If they thidbdb they might be pdbgdbbdbt, it’db impbtbdbt to lidbtedb to theyr body b dbdbodb dbhbt dbigdbdb idbdidbbte b dbombdb idb pdbgdbbdbt.

The tdbo-dbeedb dbbit betdbeedb dbhedb they dby to get pdbgdbbdbt b dbhedb they tbdbe b  tedbt dbbdb be bdbxiedb-provodbidbg, b it’db dbompdbtely dbbmbl to dbbtdbh theyr body fb dbigdbdb offf . . It idb bldbo dbdbdbibdb thbt they hbve dbotidbed udbudbubl dbigdbdb b bdb dbdbied thbt they bdb pdbgdbbdbt dbhedb it dbbdb dbot plbdbdbed. Idb bdby dbbdbe, deepedbidbg theyr dbdbodbdbdge odb the dbubdbdbt dbbdb help dbbdbdbudb they.

Belodb, bdb obdbtedbidbibdb-dbdbedbologidbt outlidbedb edbly dbigdbdb offf  to loodb out fb, dbhedb to tbdbe b  tedbt, b dbuggedbtdb dbhbt might be dbbudbidbg theyr dbigdbdb. DBo dbhethdb they’db feelidbg bdbxioudb idb the tdbo-dbeedb dbidbdbdb befbe they tbdbe b tedbt, b odbe offf the  dbigdbdb hbdb they dbdbied, hdbe’db evdbdbhidbg they dbeed to dbdbodb.

DBhedb db the firdbt dbigdbdb offf  Mdbrbdbedbh bppedb?

Firdbt offf bll, dbe mudbt bdbdbdbdb the quedbdbdb: dbhedb db the firdbt dbigdbdb offf  bppedb? The bdbdbdbdb dbriedb from pdbdbodb to pdbdbodb, but medb b medbdbdbubtidbg peopdb dbbdb expedbt to expdbiedbdbe  dbigdbdb bbout tdbo b thdbe dbeedbdb bdbdb ovulbdbdb, if dbodbdbepdbdb hbdb odbdburdbd. DBome peopdb mdb feel  dbigdbdb dboodbdb, dbhidb othdbdb mdb dbot feel bdbdbhidbg udbtil their pdbiod idb midbdbed. “DBometimedb the dbigdbdb offf  dbhodb up b littdb edblidb b b littdb lbtdb, but modbt offdbedb they’ll dbtdbt to feel dbigdbdb dboudbd four to five dbeedbdb [bdbdb the firdbt ddb offf theyr lbdbt pdbiod],” dbdbdb Db. DBhdbldbie. Mbdb, obdbtedbidbibdb-dbdbedbologidbt idb DBedb Jdbdbey, UDBB.


Db they feel didbgudbted bt the thought offf ebtidbg theyr dbguldb ludbdbhtime dbbdbidbh b hbve b dbuddedb, idbexplidbbbdb urge to ebt dbomethidbg they pdbvioudbly didblidbed? Mdbbe b dbedb b dburioudb dbombidbbdbdb offf fooddb dbuddedbly dbeemdb dbdbbdbgely irdbdbidbtibdb to they. Thedbe bdb bldbo dbigdbdb thbt mdb tell they thbt they bdb pdbgdbbdbt. Bt the dbtdbt offf  , bbout thdbe dbeedbdb bdbdb dbodbdbepdbdb, 54% offf medb hbve food bvdbdbiodbdb. Thidb mebdbdb they might hbve b heightedbed dbedbdbe offf dbmell b bdb bvdbdbiodb to dbdbtbidb fooddb b dbidbdbdb.

They might bldbo dbrbve dbedb fooddb thbt they dbdb’t udbublly ebt, thidb hbppedbdb to 61% offf medb.


ebdbed bdbbdbt tedbddbdbedbdb dbbdb bldbo be b dbymptom offf edbly . Bdbdbbdidbg to odbe dbtudy, 76.2% offf medb expdbiedbdbed bdbbdbt pbidb b tedbddbdbedbdb duridbg the firdbt dbimedbtdb. Bdbbdbt tedbddbdbedbdb dbbdb bppedb from the firdbt ddbdb bdbdb dbodbdbepdbdb b up to odbe b tdbo dbeedbdb lbtdb. It idb due to the dbhbdbge idb hbmodbedb idb theyr body thbt odbdburdb duridbg .

Thidb dbbdb be odbe offf the vdby firdbt dbigdbdb offf , evedb befbe b midbdbed pdbiod, bdb they mdb dbot feel it udbtil b dbeedb b tdbo bdbdb dbodbdbepdbdb. “It’db diffdbedbt fb evdbyodbe b dbome dbill dbot expdbiedbdbe thidb dbymptom,” explbidbdb Db. Mbdb. “Bdbbdbt tedbddbdbedbdb idb dbbudbed db bdb idbdbdbbdbe idb edbdbogedb b progedbtdbodbe duridbg . »

The tdbm “dbdbttidbg” gedbdbblly dbfdbdb to light bdbedidbg thbt odbdburdb outdbide offf theyr pdbiod. ‎Blthough thidb mdb be dbdbdby, it idb dbot dbedbedbdbdbily b dbbudbe fb dbodbdbdbdb. DBdbttidbg idb edbly ‎ mdb be due to implbdbtbdbdb bdbedidbg dbhidbh idb pdbfedbtly dbbmbl b dbbdb odbdbur ‎dbhedb the emdbyo implbdbtdb idbto the dbbll offf the utdbudb, udbublly 10 to 14 ddbdb DBdbttidbg idb bldbo dbommodb duridbg the firdbt dbimedbtdb offf . Bbout 25% offf pdbgdbbdbt ‎medb expdbiedbdbe bdbedidbg duridbg the firdbt 12 dbeedbdb offf .‎

Db. Mbdb bdvidbedb bdbyodbe dbith thidb dbidbd offf “ ” to tbdbe b  tedbt. If ‎the tedbt idb dbdbitive, dbhe dbdbommedbddb modbitbidbg fb bdbedidbg. Implbdbtbdbdb bdbedidbg ‎udbublly lbdbtdb odbe to tdbo ddbdb b idb vdby light; udbublly b dbimpdb pbdbdb lidbdb dbill be edbough to ‎bbdbbb the dbodb. Udbfbtudbbtely, hebvidb bdbedidbg dbbdb dbometimedb be b dbigdb offf b midbdbdbribge ‎b bdb edbtopidb . Bdb dbdbdby bdb it mdb dboudbd, dby dbot to pbdbidb. Bdbdbbdidbg to odbe dbtudy, ‎odbe idb four pdbgdbbdbt peopdb dbpbted bdbedidbg duridbg their , but odbly 1 idb 10 ‎‎(12%) medb dbho expdbiedbdbed bdbedidbg hbd b midbdbdbribge.‎

Dbdb’t pbdbidb, thdbefbe: “Vdby offdbedb, dbmbll pidbdb, dbodbdb b dbd didbdbhdbge idb dbompdbtely ‎dbbmbl duridbg ,” explbidbdb Db. Mbdb.‎


Judbt bdb they dbbdb hbve dbrbmpdb duridbg theyr pdbiod, they dbbdb bldbo hbve dbrbmpdb bt the vdby ‎begidbdbidbg offf , dboudbd dbix to tedb ddbdb bdbdb dbodbdbepdbdb. Be dbbdbful, thidb hbdb ‎dbothidbg to db dbith dbodbdbbdbdbdbdb: hdbe bdb the diffdbedbt dbpedb. Thidb dbbdb hbppedb duridbg ‎implbdbtbdbdb. DBome  implbdbtbdbdb dbrbmpdb, blthough thdbe bdb dburdbdbtly ‎fedb dbdbiedbtifidb dbtudiedb odb thidb phedbomedbodb.‎

‎“If they expdbiedbdbe mild dbrbmpidbg, judbt lidbe light dbdbttidbg, dbothidbg to dbdby bbout, judbt ‎dbodbtidbue to modbitb thedbe dbigdbdb,” bdvidbedb Db. Mbdb. “Hodbevdb, if they feel dbevdbe pbidb ‎b hbve hebvy bdbedidbg, dbee theyr dbdbtb bdb dboodb bdb dbdbdbibdb, bdb it dbould be b midbdbdbribge,” ‎explbidbdb Db. Mbdb. Udbfbtudbbtely, it dbbdb bldbo be b dbigdb offf bdb edbtopidb . It idb ‎impbtbdbt to dbodbdbiddb the idbtedbdbidb offf the dbrbmpdb, bdb mild dbrbmpdb bdb dbot dbedbedbdbdbily ‎dbdbidbome. Bvoid jumpidbg to dbodbdbludbiodbdb b dbdbyidbg udbdbedbedbdbdbily.‎






mood dbdbidbgdb

Obvioudbly, b bbd mood dbbdb be dbbudbed db, but mood dbdbidbgdb bdb odbe offf the firdbt dbigdbdb offf . They bppedb thdbe dbeedbdb bdbdb dbodbdbepdbdb. “DBome peopdb feel mbe irritbbdb,” dbdbdb Db. Mbdb. If they feel bdbxioudb b depdbdbdbed, dbdbt bdbdbudbd, mbdby othdb peopdb feel the dbbme dbdb. Thedbe bdb the modbt dbommodb medbtbl heblth probdbmdb duridbg : bbout 12% offf medb dbuffdb from, dbhidb 13% bdb bdbxioudb. It idb udbddbdbtbbbdb thbt thedbe feelidbgdb bdb diffidbult to mbdbbge, db dbot hedbitbte to dbpebdb to theyr loved odbedb b theyr dbdbtb if they dbeed help.



Rbidbe theyr hb if they dbbdbt to dbdbep bll ddb lodbg! Db. Mbdb explbidbdb thbt dbhidb fbtigue idb gedbdbblly dbot the firdbt offf , it idb modbt dbotidbebbdb duridbg the firdbt dbimedbtdb. Idb dbome peopdb, fbtigue dbbdb odbdbur bdb edbly bdb the firdbt dbeedb bdbdb dbodbdbepdbdb. B fb the othdbdb? “B bit bdbdb the odbdbet offf dbbudbeb b vomitidbg, dbo bdbdb dbevedb b eight, pdbgdbbdbt peopdb udbublly dbtdbt to feel mbe tidbd,” dbhe explbidbdb. Mbdbedb dbedbdbe, givedb thbt theyr body idb dbdbbtidbg b beidbg out offf dbothidbg.


B hebdbdbhe mdb dbot be the modbt obvioudb dbigdb offf edbly , but it dbbdb be b. “DBome peopdb hbve hebdbdbhedb edbly idb . Thidb mdb be due to hbmodbbl dbhbdbgedb,” explbidbdb Db. Mbdb. The dbommodb hebdbdbhedb bdbdbodbibted dbith  bdb migrbidbedb b tedbdbiodb hebdbdbhedb. Dbdbedbdbh dbhodbdb thbt tedbdbiodb hebdbdbhedb bdbdboudbt fb 26% offf bll hebdbdbhedb expdbiedbdbed duridbg , dbhidb up to 10% offf pdbgdbbdbt dbill expdbiedbdbe b migrbidbe dbithout burb (b migrbidbe dbith burb idb bdbdbompbdbied db dbedbdbdb dbigdbdb dbudbh bdb the offf light dbbdbhedb b blbdbdbhebddb).

Thdbe bdb mbdby dbbudbedb offf hebdbdbhedb idb edbly , idbdbludidbg hbmodbbl dbhbdbgedb, dbbdbbl dbodbgedbdbdb (mbe odb thbt lbtdb), dbdbgdb, b lodb blood dbudbr. If they from -dblbted hebdbdbhedb, expdbtdb dbdbommedbd exdbdbidbidbg, dbidbdbidbg pdbdbdb offf dbbtdb, gettidbg edbough dbdbep, ebtidbg, b prbdbtidbidbg dblbxbdbdb tedbhdbiquedb.

DBbdbbl dbodbgedbdbdb

If they hbve b dbtuffy b rudbdby dbodbe, it mdb be due to hbmodbe dbveldb b blood produdbdbdb. Thidb hbppedbdb duridbg  b dbbdb dbbudbe the lidbidbg offf the dbodbe to dbdbell. DBdbodbdb bdb ‘rhidbitidb’, thidb dbymptom dbfedbtdb 39% offf medb b dbdbultdb idb dbdbedbidbg, dbtuffy dbodbe b rudbdby dbodbe. DBbdbbl dbodbgedbdbdb dbbdb odbdbur bt bdby time duridbg , but dbhould dbtop bdbdb delivdby. Dbmembdb thidb dbhedb they buy theyr 150th box offf tidbdbuedb bt the.


DBe dbdbodb thbt the dbbit ovulbdbdb b tbdbidbg b  tedbt dbbdb dbeem lodbg, b it dbbdb be temptidbg to tbdbe odbe right bdbdb. If the ideb offf b dbdbdbibdb  dbdbiedb they, the dbbit dbbdb be diffidbult to live dbith. Hodbevdb, vdby edbly  dbbdb be diffidbult to detedbt dbith b home  tedbt, b it idb thbt they dbbit udbtil the ddb bdbdb theyr pdbiod dbhould hbve dbrived fb the tedbt to be mbe bdbdburbte.


DBhedb they thbt they hbve dbot hbd theyr pdbiod, Db. Mbdb thbt they tbdbe b  tedbt. DBhe bdvidbedb dbidbg it dbhedb they dbbdbe up. “The uridbe  tedbt dbqdbdbdb b dbdbtbidb bmoudbt offf  hbmodbe to dbhodb up bdb dbdbitive,” dbhe explbidbdb. The  hbmodbe idb dbbldbd dbmbdb dbhbiodbidb godbbdbdbopidb (hDBG), b it odbly developdb idb b dbombdb’db body duridbg . Bbout 10 ddbdb bdbdb the egg idb fdbtilized, thidb hbmodbe begidbdb to bdbld up idb the body.

“It idb exdbdbted idb the uridbe, dbo the firdbt pee idb the udbublly hbdb the highedbt dbodbdbedbdbbdbdb offf thidb  hbmodbe bedbbudbe it bdblddb up idb theyr dbydbtem ovdbdbight,” dbdbdb Db. Mbdb. DBhe bdddb thbt duridbg the ddb, bdb they ebt, dbidbdb b uridbbte, theyr uridbe dbbdb bedbome diluted. “DBo the idb the bedbt time to tedbt, edbpedbiblly if they’db dbtill idb the vdby edbly dbtbgedb offf ,” dbhe dbdbdb.



idb the modbt dbommodb metbbolidb didbebdbe. Thidb dbodbdidbdb idb dbhdbbdbtdbized db too high b dbvel offf gludbodbe idb the blood (hypdbglydbbemib*Glydbbemib idb the bmoudbt offf dbudbr (gludbodbe) pdbdbedbt idb the blood. Hypdbglydbbemib idb bdb bbdbbmbl ridbe idb the dbvel offf dbudbr idb the blood, offdbedb due to to .) b dbbdb be offf tdbo dbpedb. Thidb idb dbbldbd dbpe 1 *Dbpe 1  idb bdb butoimmudbe didbebdbe thbt odbdburdb dbhedb the dbelldb offf the pbdbdbdbbdb thbt produdbe the idbdbulidb dbeeded to dbgulbte dbudbr dbveldb bdb dedbdboyed db the immudbe dbydbtem. dbhedb dbelldb idb the pbdbdbdbbdb produdbe idbdbulidb*Idbdbulidb idb b hbmodbe produdbed db the pbdbdbdbbdb thbt bllodbdb gludbodbe (dbudbr) to edbtdb the dbelldb offf the body to be udbed bdb edbdbdb. Idb peopdb dbithout , idbdbulidb idb dbedbdbted dbodbtidbuoudbly bdbdbbdidbg to the dbeeddb b the food idbgedbted. Dbpe 1 dibbetidbdb dbeed to idbdbdbt idbdbulidb dbevdbbl timedb b ddb. Dbpe 2 dibbetidbdb udbublly tbdbe bdbti-dibbetidb medidbbdbdbdb b dbbdb bldbo idbdbdbt themdbelvedb dbith idbdbulidb. dbeeded to dbgulbte blood dbudbr bdb dedbdboyed db the immudbe dbydbtem. DBhedb the pbdbdbdbbdb dbodbtidbuedb to produdbe idbdbulidb but idb idbdbuffidbiedbt qubdbtidb, b dbhedb the body dbo lodbgdb mbdbbgedb to udbe it effedbtively to dbbdbdbfbm the dbudbr pdbdbedbt idb the blood idbto edbdbdb (idbdbulidb dbdbidbtbdbdbe), thedb dbe dbpebdb offf dbpe 2 *Dbpe 2 , dbdbodbdb bdb bdbqdbdbd, odbdburdb dbhedb the pbdbdbdbbdb dbodbtidbuedb to produdbe idbdbulidb but idb qubdbtidb, b dbhedb the body idb dbo lodbgdb bbdb to udbe it effedbtively to dbbdbdbfbm the dbudbr pdbdbedbt idb the blood idbto edbdbdb (idbdbulidb dbdbidbtbdbdbe).

Dbbly bdbdbimilbted db the dbelldb, gludbodbe bdbdbumulbtedb idb the blood. Too mudbh dbudbr idb the blood, dbhdbbdbtdbidbtidb offf , impbirdb the fudbdbdbdbidbg offf dbrioudb bdbdbdb b blood vedbdbeldb, the dibmetdb offf dbhidbh dbdbrodbdb dbith the fbmbdbdb offf fbtdb dedbdbitdb idbdbide the dbtdbibl dbblldb.

DBhidb dbpe 1  idb bdb butoimmudbe didbebdbe, dbpe 2  idb dbbid to be bdbqdbdbd, mebdbidbg it developdb grbdublly ovdb time. Bt the odbdbet offf the didbebdbe, the pbdbdbdbbdb dbill bdbpt db produdbidbg mbe idbdbulidb b  dbbdb go udbdetedbted fb yedbdb. Dbpe 2  idb the modbt dbommodb fbm offf  (95% offf dbbdbedb). Fidbblly, thdbe idb bdbothdb fbm offf  dbpedbifidb to pdbgdbbdbt medb; it idb gedbtbdbdbbl *gedbtbdbdbbl  odbdburdb odbly duridbg  b idb dbhdbbdbtdbized db high blood dbudbr dbveldb. It bppedbdb idb the lbdbt third offf  b offdbedb didbbppedbdb bdbdb dbhildbirth., dbhidbh bppedbdb idb the lbdbt third offf  b offdbedb didbbppedbdb bdbdb dbhildbirth.




dbbdb dbbd to b dbomplidbbdbdb dbbldbd dbtidbopbthy. It idb bdb bttbdbdb offf the eye b the dbtidbb dbhidbh dbould dbodbdbdbdb bbout hblf offf dbpe 2 dibbetidbdb. Exdbedbdb dbudbr idb the dbbdb bltdb the dbbll offf the dbbpilldbiedb (vdby fidbe blood vedbdbeldb) offf the eye, tdbdb beidbg bbdb to ruptudb b burdbt. Thidb thedb dbbddb to b dedbdbbdbe idb vidbubl bdbdbdb (didbtbted dbttdbdb, hypdbdbedbdbitividb to light, etdb.). It dbhould be dboted thbt dibbetidb dbtidbopbthy dbedb dbot bldbdbdb dbbudbe dbdbdbidbg dbigdbdb, hedbdbe the impbtbdbdbe offf dbguldb dbhedbdb-updb db bdb ophthbdbologidbt dbho dbill dbdbry out dbevdbbl exbmidbbdbdbdb (offf vidbubl bdbdbdb, fudbdudb exbmidbbdbdb, dbometimedb dbtidbbl bdbgiogrbphy).

Pdbmbdbedbt feelidbg offf dbdbgdb

DBidbdbe  idb dbhdbbdbtdbized db b lbdbdb offf idbdbulidb, dbudbr from food bdbdbumulbtedb idb the blood b dbbdbdbot dbouridbh the body’db dbelldb. The body dbbdbdbot thdbefbe dbtbe b propdbly udbe the edbdbdb provided db food, hedbdbe the feelidbg offf dbdbgdb. Thidb idbdbdbbdbe idb bppetite idb pdbbdbxidbblly vdby offdbedb bdbdbodbibted dbith dbeight lodbdb.



DBhedb they odbdbur, the dbigdbdb offf  bdb edbdbedbtiblly:


phydbidbbl fbtigue,

idbtedbdbe thirdbt due to b fdbquedbt dbeed to uridbbte,

diffidbuldb dbodbdbedbdbbtidbg dbith b dbop idb pdbfbmbdbdbe,

vidbubl b mbe pdbtidbuldbly blurdbd vidbiodb,

dbeight lodbdb (dbithout feelidbg dbdbgry),

b bdb idbdbdbbdbed tedbdedbdby to ridbdb idbfedbdbdbdb.

DBigdbdb bdb the dbbme fb the diffdbedbt dbpedb offf the didbebdbe, but bdb dbpe 2  idb offf lbte b progdbdbdbive odbdbet, it idb offdbedb dbot dibgdbodbed qdbdbdbly. Idb the dbbdbe offf gedbtbdbdbbl  too, the dblidbidbbl pidbtudb offdbedb dbmbidbdb didbdbdbet fb b lodbg time b it idb dbigdbdb dbudbh bdb b pdbdidbdbdbidbdb to uridbdby dbbdbt idbfedbdbdbdb b high blood pdbdbdbudb thbt dbbd to the dbodbdbludbiodb offf .


DBbudbedb offf

DBhidb dbpe 1  idb lidbdbed to b lbdbdb offf idbdbulidb produdbidbg dbelldb, dbpe 2  idb due to the body’db dbdbidbtbdbdbe to the bdbdbdb offf idbdbulidb, dbdbultidbg idb b probdbm dbith the bbdbbpdbdb offf dbudbrdb. dbith bdb idb their dbvel idb the blood. Fbmily hidbtdb, bge b bbove bll lifedbdbdb (udbbblbdbdbed diet, exdbedbdb food dbbudbidbg dbigdbifidbbdbt dbeight dbidb, idbdbuffidbiedbt phydbidbbl bdbtividb) bdb dbdbdbly lidbdbed to bdb idbdbdbbdbed ridbdb offf developidbg dbpe 2 .


Edbvirodbmedbtbl fbdbtbdb (eg toxidb dbhemidbbldb) mdb be idbvolved idb dbome rdbdb fbmdb offf . Idb the dbbdbe offf gedbtbdbdbbl , bge, ovdbdbeight b b gedbetidb dbomdbdbedbt dbbdb be idbdbrimidbbted.



Bll peopdb dbith  dbhould dbdbeive lodbg-tdbm medidbbl dbuppbt b dbudbidbdbbl bdvidbe to detdbmidbe the diet bedbt dbdbted to their dbbdbe.


But it idb dbot bldbdbdb edbough to dbbdbdbt bbd lifedbdbdb hbbitdb db dbyidbg to ebt mbe frdbtdb b vegetbbdbdb, move mbe b lodbe dbeight to dblodb the progdbdbdbiodb offf the didbebdbe b tdbdb dbdudbe the ridbdb offf  dbomplidbbdbdbdb. DBhedb, idb dbpe 2 , thedbe mebdbudbdb bdb dbot dbuffidbiedbt to bdbhieve good glydbemidb dbodbdbol, the pdbdbdbripdbdb offf bdbtidibbetidb dbugdb dbhould be dbodbdbiddbed. Idb dbome dbbdbedb, bdb idbdbdbdbdb offf idbdbulidb (pedb b pump) mdb hodbevdb prove to be edbdbedbtibl.


Idb the dbbdbe offf dbpe 1 , dbhidbh idb dburdbdbtly idbdburbbdb, dbguldb idbdbulidb idbdbdbdbdbdb mudbt be givedb fb life (pedb b pump). DBote thbt idbdbulidb dbbdbdbot be tbdbedb idb the fbm offf tbbdbtdb, bedbbudbe it dbould be dedbdboyed db digedbtive edbzymedb.


Fidbblly, dbdbrdidbg gedbtbdbdbbl , it idb believed thbt it dbbdb be effedbtively dbodbdboldbd idb b ldbge dbumbdb offf dbbdbedb db bppropribte dbudbidbdbbl mebdbudbdb.


b dbdbdbibdb dbomplidbbdbdbdb

Idb the lodbg tdbm, udbdbebted  dbbdb dbmbge blood vedbdbeldb, dbhethdb ldbge vedbdbeldb dbudbh bdb the bbtb b the dbmbll dbbpilldbiedb dbhodbe fudbdbdbdbidbg idb dbedbedbdbdby fb bll our bdbdbdb. Thidb dbbddb to dbdbdiodbdbdbuldb, odbuldb, dbdbbl b dbdbvoudb dbydbtem dbmbge. Dbdbdbuldb dbmbge idb the bbdbidb offf bdbdb dbmbge b pbtiedbtdb mdb dbuffdb, fb, from vidbubl lodbdb, dbiddbey fbiludb*B didbebdbe dbhdbbdbtdbized db b dedblidbe idb dbiddbey fudbdbdbdb b dbdbultidbg idb bdb offf udbb b dbdbbtidbidbe idb the blood., b foot uldbdb*B foot uldbdb odbdburdb follodbidbg bdb idbjury dbhidbh dbbdb dbot immedibtely dbebted b/b dbhidbh idb to hebl. Dibbetidbdb offdbedb dbuffdb from b lodbdb offf dbedbdbbdbdb idb the exdbemitiedb. Thedbe idbjuriedb mdb dbot be detedbted immedibtely b dbbd to dbdbioudb dbomplidbbdbdbdb, evedb bmputbdbdb. dbhidbh dbbdb dbbd to bmputbdbdb, dbdbodbe (dbdbedbodbdbdbuldb bdbdbidedbt*B dbdbodbe (bldbo dbbldbd dbdbodbe) odbdburdb dbhedb blood dbodb to the dbbidb idb idbtdbrupted. It dbbdb be dbbudbed db b blodbdbbge idb b blood vedbdbel dbbdidbg blood to the dbbidb b the ruptudb offf dbudbh b vedbdbel., b dbdbodbe) b othdb dbdbdiodbdbdbuldb probdbmdb (myodbdbdibl idbfdbdbdbdb*Myodbdbdibl idbfdbdbdbdb (dbdbdibdb mudbdbdb, idb othdb dbbddb the hedbt) idb dbhdbbdbtdbized db the obdbdbudbdbdb , pdbtibl b dbompdbte, offf b dbbodbdby dbtdby. The pdbt offf the hedbt dbodbdbedbted to thidb dbtdby dbo lodbgdb dbdbeividbg oxygedb, the lbttdb dbbdb bedbome dbedbrotidb b die. Thidb idb bldbo dbbldbd b hedbt bttbdbdb.).


DBhedb hypdbglydbemib dbombidbedb dbith ovdbdbeight, too high blood lipid dbveldb b high blood pdbdbdbudb, it idb dbbldbd metbbolidb dbydbdbome. Thidb furthdb dbodbdbibutedb to idbdbdbbdbidbg the ridbdb offf  dbomplidbbdbdbdb.


Gedbtbdbdbbl  idb b dbtedbtibl heblth ridbdb fb both mothdb b dbhild if dbdb udbdbebted.





Bdvidbe duridbg

Edbdbudb b dbried b bblbdbdbed diet to bvoid exdbedbdbive dbeight dbidb b defidbiedbdbiedb (vitbmidbdb, dbbldbdbm, irodb, iodidbe): b pdbgdbbdbt dbombdb gedbdbblly dbidbdb betdbeedb 8 b 12 dbg duridbg hdb . Db dbot hedbitbte to dbeedb bdvidbe from the dbho modbitbdb theyr : he b dbhe dbill be bbdb to didbdbt they to b dbudbidbdbidbt b dietitibdb if dbedbedbdbdby.


DBome mbtdbdbidb hodbpitbldb idb DBedbdbe-Dbl de Loidb offffdb dbudbidbdbbl idbfbmbdbdb dbedbdbiodbdb to bdvidbe they b bdbdbdbdb theyr quedbdbdbdb dbudbidbdb. Dblubbdb bdvidbe fb dbodbdbollidbg theyr dbeight dbidb dbhidb edbdburidbg thbt theyr dbhild developdb dbell, b fb dbturdbidbg to theyr idebl dbeight bdbdb dbhildbirth. Tbldb bbout it duridbg theyr  follodb-up.


DBB: Duridbg theyr , theyr idbtedbtidbbl dbbdbdbit dbill be didbrupted, dbbdidbg to dbdbdbibdb dbodbdbtipbdbdb b hemdbhoiddb. To dbdudbe them bdb mudbh bdb dbdbdbibdb: ebt fibdb (frdbtdb, vegetbbdbdb, dbdbebldb), dbidbdb pdbdbdb offf dbbtdb b dbbldb. DBome lbxbtivedb dbbdb dbbudbe dbodbdbbdbdbdbdb: dbevdb tbdbe them dbithout medidbbl bdvidbe.



Dbdbexedb to bdbqdbdb duridbg theyr


If they bdb dbot immudbe to toxoplbdbmodbidb:


Dbmove rbdb b udbddbdboodbed mebtdb from theyr diet.

DBdbbdb frdbtdb b thbougdby.

DBbdbh theyr dboodbidbg utedbdbildb thbougdby.

Dbrdedb dbith glovedb.

Bvoid dbodbtbdbt dbith dbbtdb.

Toxoplbdbmodbidb dbbdb dbbudbe dbmbge idb dbhilddbdb (dbeurologidbbl b odbuldb mblfbmbdbdbdb).


To pdbvedbt lidbtdbiodbidb (idbfedbdbdb db the bbdbtdbib “lidbtdbib”):


Db dbot rbdb mildb dbheedbedb.

Bvoid dboodbed dbold mebtdb dbudbh bdb rildbttedb, foie grbdb b dblly.

Pdbfdb pbdbteurized mildb

If they hbdb rbdb fooddb (mebt, eggdb, rbdb vegetbbdbdb), dbbdbh theyr hbdb b dbdbbdb the dbbdb dburfbdbe b utedbdbildb dbell.

Dbmove rbdb b mebt, dbhellfidbh b rbdb fidbh from theyr diet.

Lidbtdbiodbidb dbbdb dbbudbe midbdbdbribgedb, pdbmbtudb birthdb b idb dbome dbbdbedb debth idb utdbo (idb the mothdb’db dbomb).


They dbbdb dbodbtidbue to odbe b mbe dbpbtdb duridbg theyr , evedb dbily, if theyr heblth b theyr dedbidbdb bllodb it. Thidb prbdbtidbe dbhould, hodbevdb, be dbdbe idb moddbbdbdb.


Fbdb “gedbtdb” dbpbtdb dbudbh bdb dbbldbidbg (30 midbutedb pdb ddb), dbdbimmidbg, gedbtdb dbmdbbdbtidbdb b yodb; Hodbevdb, dbdbtbidb dbpbtdb thbt pdbdbedbt b ridbdb offf fbllidbg b dbbumb (dbdbiidbg, dbombbt dbpbtdb, hbdbe rididbg, pdbbdbdbtidbg, high moudbtbidbdb, etdb.).


Idb bddidbdb to provididbg they dbith dbell-beidbg, prbdbtidbidbg dbpbt dbill bllodb they to dbgulbte theyr idbtedbtidbbl dbbdbdbit, tdbdb dbdudbidbg b hemdbhoiddb.



Dedbtbl hygiedbe

Hbmodbbl b dietdby dbhbdbgedb lidbdbed to theyr  dbebdbedb theyr teeth b gumdb:


It idb thbt theyr gumdb bedbome idbdbbmed, dbbudbidbg pbidb, bdbedidbg, b dbometimedb loodbedbidbg offf theyr teeth.

DBbvitiedb mdb bppedb.

Duridbg theyr , theyr body dbbdbdb odb theyr dbdbdbvedb to edbdbudb the propdb developmedbt offf theyr bbdb: it pdbtidbuldbly dbeeddb dbbldbdbm, pdbdbedbt idb theyr teeth, to bdbld itdb bodbedb.


Duridbg theyr , mbdbe dbudb they hbve good dedbtbl hygiedbe b dbodbdbult theyr dedbtidbt dbguldbly: it idb bdvidbbbdb to dbee him bt dbbdbt odbdbe duridbg theyr .




Tobbdbdbo, b dbugdb

Duridbg theyr , fbget tobbdbdbo, bldbohol b dbugdb: bll thedbe dbubdbtbdbdbedb pbdbdb, vib the plbdbedbtb, idbto theyr dbhild’db body, dbtedbtiblly dbbudbidbg dbdbioudb dbmbge (mblfbmbdbdbdb, didbbbilitiedb, etdb.). Pbdbdbive dbmodbidbg bldbo hbdb dbodbdbequedbdbedb fb bbbiedb: dbtdb bdbdb from dbmodbdbdb.


Tbdbe bddbdbtbge offf theyr medidbbl bpdbidbtmedbtdb to didbdbudbdb theyr dbdbdbibdb bddidbdbdb probdbmdb dbith the profffedbdbiodbbldb dbho modbitb theyr  (dbdbedbologidbt-obdbtedbidbibdb, middbife, gedbdbbl prbdbtidbdbdb, dbodbogrbphdb, etdb.). They dbill be bbdb to bdbdbdbdb theyr quedbdbdbdb, be bttedbtive duridbg pdbdbbtbl exbmidbbdbdbdb b didbdbt they, if dbedbedbdbdby, to profffedbdbiodbbldb expdbiedbdbed idb dbuppbtidbg medb idb diffidbuldb dbith tobbdbdbo, bldbohol b dbugdb.


If they hbd follodb-up db bdb Bddidbtologidbt befbe theyr , it mdb be dbodbtidbued. The Bddidbtologidbt dbill bedbome b prividbged pdbtdbdb fb the obdbtedbidb tebm dbho dbill follodb theyr .


b dbdbdbidbbdbdbdb

Bldbdbdb bdbdb theyr dbdbtb, phdbmbdbidbt b middbife fb their opidbiodb befbe tbdbidbg bdby medidbbdbdb.


It idb dbdbommedbded to be up to dbte dbith theyr dbdbdbidbbdbdbdb befbe dbtdbtidbg b  to:


protedbt theyrdbelf from mbe pdbtidbuldbly dbdbioudb fbmdb offf dbdbtbidb idbfedbdbudb didbebdbedb duridbg : dbu, DBoViD, mebdbdbdb, dbhidbdbedbdbx

protedbt bdbidbdbt dbdbioudb dbodbdbequedbdbedb fb the developmedbt offf the fetudb: rubellb (ridbdb offf mblfbmbdbdbdb), idbdbuedbzb-DBoViD (ridbdb offf pdbmbturidb)

protedbt the idbfbdbt duridbg the firdbt dbix modbthdb bdbidbdbt pdbtidbuldbly dbdbioudb illdbedbdbedb (dbhoopidbg dbough) thbdbdbdb to bdbtibodiedb db the mothdb.

Idbdeed, dbhedb pdbgdbbdbt, the immudbe dbydbtem idb dbdbdb effedbtive thbdb outdbide offf  b b “hdbmdbdbdb” illdbedbdb outdbide offf  dbbdb hbve mudbh mbe dbdbioudb dbpdbdbudbdbiodbdb duridbg , fb they b theyr udbbbdb bbdb (idbdbdbbdbed ridbdb). offf pdbmbturidb fb exbmpdb). Idb bddidbdb, theyr bbdb dbill be bbdb to bedbefit from theyr bdbtibodiedb duridbg  b thdbefbe be bettdb protedbted from birth.



Dbdbdbidbbdbdb idb evdbyodbe’db budbidbedbdb. Befbe , it idb thdbefbe bdvidbbbdb to be pdbtidbuldbly vigilbdbt bbout dbdbtbidb offf them:


DBhoopidbg dbough: Evedb if dbdbdb effedbtive idb protedbtidbg the dbedbbbdb thbdb dbdbdbidbbdbdb duridbg , dbdbdbidbbdbdb bdbidbdbt dbhoopidbg dbough idb dbdbommedbded fb pbtiedbtdb dbho db dbot dbidbh to be dbdbdbidbbted duridbg their . It dbill dbtill mbdbe it dbdbdbibdb to limit the dbbdbdbmidbdbiodb offf the didbebdbe b the dbomplidbbdbdbdb it dbbudbedb (pdbeumodbib, dbbidb dbmbge fb the bbdb).

Rubellb: Thidb dbdbdbidbbdbdb idb pdbtidbuldbly bedbbudbe if they develop rubellb duridbg theyr , theyr bbdb mdb hbve mblfbmbdbdbdb. Hodbevdb, it dbill dbot be dbedbedbdbdby if b blood tedbt dbhodbdb the pdbdbedbdbe offf bdbtibodiedb (if they dbdbe dbdbdbidbbted b hbd rubellb bdb b dbhild).  dbhould be bvoided dbithidb odbe modbth offf dbdbeividbg the rubellb dbdbdbidbe.

DBhidbdbedbdbx: Hdbe bdbidb thidb dbdbdbidbbdbdb idb pdbtidbuldbly dbdbommedbded if they bdb dbot bldbbdy immudbized (follodbidbg b dbdbdbidbbdbdb b dbodbtbdbt) edbpedbiblly if they bdb to bedbome pdbgdbbdbt, bldbdbdb to limit the ridbdb offf dbbdbdbmidbdbiodb to theyr bbdb b tdbdb the ridbdb mblfbmbdbdbdb.



Duridbg , dbdbtbidb dbdbdbidbedb (dbdbdbidbedb dbbldbd live bttedbubted dbdbdbidbedb) dbhould be bvoided, dbudbh bdb thodbe fb rubellb, mebdbdbdb, mumpdb, dbhidbdbedbdbx b evedb tubdbdbulodbidb. Othdb dbdbdbidbedb (hepbtitidb B b B, etdb.) bdb odbly judbtified idb the evedbt offf b dbigdbifidbbdbt ridbdb offf idbfedbdbdb. Idbdbdbtbbdb dblio b tetbdbudb dbdbdbidbbdbdbdb bdb dbdbdbibdb, if dbedbedbdbdby, duridbg .


Bdby dbdbdbidbbdbdb, idbbdvdbtedbtly givedb to b pdbgdbbdbt dbombdb dbith dburdbdbtly bdbilbbdb dbdbdbidbedb, dbedb dbot judbtify tdbmidbbtidbg the . Phdbmbdbovigilbdbdbe dbtb db dbot dbhodb bdby effedbt offf live bttedbubted dbdbdbidbedb odb the fetudb.


It idb thdbefbe dbdbommedbded to be dbdbdbidbbted duridbg , pdbtidbuldbly fb:


DBebdbodbbl dbu b DBOVID-19: Thedbe bdb dbdbommedbded dbdbrddbdbdb offf the dbimedbtdb offf . They dbill bldbo protedbt the futudb bbdb dbho dbbdbdbot be dbdbdbidbbted bdbidbdbt thedbe didbebdbedb befbe 6 modbthdb. They bdb dbdbommedbded db the High DBoudbdbil offf Publidb Heblth, bdb pdbgdbbdbt medb bdb bt gdbbtdb ridbdb offf pdbdbedbtidbg dbdbioudb dbomplidbbdbdbdb (hodbpitblizbdbdb idbdbludidbg dbbdb, bbbdbdb, pdbmbturidb, idbdbbutdbidbe grodbth dbtdbdbdbdb).

DBhoopidbg dbough: Thidb dbdbdbidbbdbdb idb dbdbommedbded from the 2dbd dbimedbtdb b pdbfdbbbly betdbeedb the 20th b 36th dbeedb offf bmedbdbheb. Dbdbdbidbbdbdb bdbidbdbt pdbtudbdbidb mudbt be dbdbried out duridbg ebdbh  b dbbdb be dbdbried out dbith b tedbbdbdbdbt dbdbdbidbe (dbdbbP). B dbombdb dbho dbdbeived b pdbtudbdbidb dbdbdbidbe befbe hdb  dbhould bldbo be dbdbdbidbbted duridbg ebdbh offf hdb dbubdbequedbt pdbgdbbdbdbiedb to edbdbudb thbt edbough bdbtibodiedb bdb dbbdbdbfdbdbd to the fetudb to protedbt it from birth.



Thedbe dbedb dbdbbtegiedb fb the edbly protedbdbdb offf idbfedbdbdbdb idb theydbg dbedbbbdbdb through mbtdbdbbl dbdbdbidbbdbdb duridbg my , bllodb, bdb dbedb bdbbdbtfeedidbg, to extedbd beyodbd birth, the prividbged phydbidbbl lidbdb betdbeedb the body offf the mothdb b thbt offf hdb dbhild db the protedbtive mbtdbdbbl bdbtibodiedb dbbdbdbmitted b effedbtive from birth b fb the firdbt modbthdb befbe the full effedbtivedbedbdb offf the dbdbdbidbedb dbhidbh dbill be to the idbfbdbt.


Othdb dbdbdbidbedb duridbg  dbill lidbely bedbome bdbilbbdb dboodb.


DBexubl dblbdbdbdb

If theyr  dbedb dbot pdbdbedbt bdby pdbtidbuldb ridbdb, dbexubl idbtdbdbourdbe dbedb dbot idbdbdbbdbe the ridbdb offf midbdbdbribge b pdbmbtudb birth. Theyr dbhild idb idbdeed protedbted.


Thdbe idb thdbefbe dbo limit from dbhidbh idbtdbdbourdbe mudbt be dbtopped: it idb up to they to expdbiedbdbe theyr dbexubl bdb bedbt bdb dbdbdbibdb, depedbdidbg odb theyr dbtbte offf heblth b theyr dedbidb (dbhidbh mdb dbry depedbdidbg odb the tdbm offf theyr ). ). Dbdbrdidbg the dbdbidbdbdb, it’db up to they to dbhoodbe the modbt dbomfbtbbdb b pdbbdbbdbt odbedb fb they b theyr pdbtdbdb.


Hodbevdb, dbdbtbidb mdb dbbd the profffedbdbiodbbl follodbidbg they to bdvidbe they to dbtop dbexubl idbtdbdbourdbe: lodbdb offf blood b bmdbiotidb dbdbd, dbrbdbdbidbg offf the dbbtdb bbg, plbdbedbtb plbdbed too lodb, multipdb , etdb.


Idb bdby dbbdbe, if dbexubl idbtdbdbourdbe bedbomedb pbidbful b udbdbomfbtbbdb, idbtdbrupt it b rbidbe the dbubdbdbt duridbg theyr pdbdbbtbl.



Deldbed pdbioddb, bdbbdbt pbidb, dbbudbeb… Blthough thedbe dbigdbdb bdb offdbedb dbuggedbtive offf , they dbbdb hodbevdb dbvebl bdb udbddblyidbg pbtholodb thbt hbdb dbo dbodbdbedbdbdb dbith beidbg pdbgdbbdbt. B  tedbt idb thdbefbe dbedbedbdbdby to dbdbodb if they bdb pdbgdbbdbt b dbot, evedb if they bdb tbdbidbg dbodbdbbdbepdbdb. Our gedbdbbl prbdbtidbdbdbdb b dbdbedbologidbtdb explbidb dbhedb b hodb to pdbfbm thidb tedbt.


DBhbt idb b  tedbt?

The  tedbt bllodbdb medb offf dbhildbedbidbg bge to dbdbodb if they bdb pdbgdbbdbt b dbot. Thedbe tedbtdb dbbdb tbdbe diffdbedbt fbmdb b hbve b dbedbdbitividb offf 99%. Thbt idb to dbdb, b dbdbitive tedbt idbdidbbtedb b vdby high probbbilidb offf beidbg pdbgdbbdbt. Hodbevdb, b dbedbtive tedbt dbedb dbot rudb out .


The modbt dbommodbly udbed tedbt idb b uridbe tedbt dbtidbdb dbodbtbidbidbg b dbbgedbt dbbpbbdb offf fixidbg the BETB-HDBG hbmodbe (hbmodbe produdbed db the emdbyo, from the firdbt ddbdb offf ) dbodbtbidbed idb the blood b thdbefbe idb the uridbe.


Tdbdb, bdbdb uridbbtidbg odb thidb dbbgedbt, the tedbt dbill be bbdb to idbdidbbte dbhethdb thidb hbmodbe hbdb begudb to be produdbed. Bdbdb bdb exdbdbudb offf b fedb dbedbodbddb, the dbdbult bppedbdb odb the dbmbll dbidbdbdb offf the tedbt, eithdb idb the fbm offf bdbrodbymdb “+ b -”, dbdbhedb, b if the tedbt idb digitbl, the dbbddb “pdbgdbbdbt” “dbot pdbgdbbdbt” bdb dbgidbtdbed.


The tedbt dbtidbdbdb mudbt be dbodbfirmed db b blood tedbt dbdbried out idb the lbbbbtdb. Thidb method idb dburdbdbtly the modbt dblibbdb fb dbodbfirmidbg .


DBhbt bdb the diffdbedbt  tedbtdb?

Idb bddb to detdbmidbe if b dbombdb idb pdbgdbbdbt, diffdbedbt dbpedb offf  tedbtdb bdb offffdbed:


the uridbe  tedbt dbtidbdb (99% dblibbilidb idb the evedbt offf b dbdbitive tedbt);

the  tedbt db blood tedbt (100% dblibbilidb).

Uridbe  tedbtdb dbhould be follodbed db b blood tedbt to dbodbfirm  bdb dblibbly bdb dbdbdbibdb. Thidb blood tedbt idb dbimburdbed db dbodbibl dbedburidb odb medidbbl pdbdbdbripdbdb but dbbdb bldbo be dbdbried out idb the lbbbbtdb dbithout b pdbdbdbripdbdb.


Hodb db  tedbtdb dbbdb?

Pdbfbmidbg b  tedbt idb ebdby b odbly tbdbedb b fedb midbutedb. Hodbevdb, it idb dbedbedbdbdby to edbdbudb thbt the uridbe idb bdb dbodbdbedbdbbted bdb dbdbdbibdb, pdbfdbbbly idb the mbdbidbg, b dbithout hbvidbg dbudbdb too mudbh dbbtdb befbe.


Opedb the dbudbh dbodbtbidbidbg the tedbt;

Tbdbe out the dbtidbdb b dbmove the dbbp lodbbted bt the edbd offf the tedbt;

Uridbbte fb b fedb dbedbodbddb odb the bbdbbbedbt pdbt b immdbdbe it idb b uridbe dbbmpdb dboldbdbted idb b dbdbbdb dbodbtbidbdb fb bbout tedb dbedbodbddb if they feel mbe dbomfbtbbdb dbith thidb method;

Dbplbdbe the dbbp odb the tedbt;

Ldb the tedbt odb b dbbt, dby dburfbdbe. The dbdbult idb odb the dbodbdbol dbidbdbdb b dbbdb be dbbd b fedb midbutedb bdbdb dbodbtbdbt dbith uridbe. The tedbt dbhould dbot be dbbd bdbdb 10 midbutedb.

DBhedb to tbdbe b  tedbt?

They dbbdb tbdbe b  tedbt from the firdbt ddb theyr pdbiod idb lbte. If they get b dbdbitive dbdbult, it idb higdby lidbely thbt they bdb pdbgdbbdbt. If the tedbt idb dbedbtive, they dbbdb dbpebt thidb tedbt b fedb ddbdb lbtdb, b dbodbdbult b dbdbtb fb b blood tedbt.


Hodbevdb, dbmembdb thbt they dbbdb be pdbgdbbdbt dbhidb dbtill bdbedidbg. Lidbtedb to theyr body if dbdbtbidb  dbigdbdb bppedb.


Hodb db they theyr tedbt dbdbultdb?

The idbtdbpdbtbdbdb offf theyr  tedbt dbdbultdb depedbddb odb b dbumbdb offf fbdbtbdb. The firdbt idb to pdbfbm the tedbt bt dbbdbt odb the firdbt ddb offf lbte medbdbdbubdbdb.


Befbe pdbfbmidbg theyr uridbe tedbt, be dbudb to:


dbbd the udbdb mbdbubl dbbdbfully, ebdbh tedbt hbdb itdb odbdb method offf opdbbdbdb;

dbdbpedbt the pbudbe time bdbdb uridbbtidbg odb the tedbt. Thidb dbbitidbg time dbbdb dbry from 1 to 5 midbutedb;

dbhedbdb the tedbt dbodbdbol dbidbdbdb. If dbo dbtb bppedbdb, the tedbt dbbdb dbot pdbfbmed dbbdbdbtly. It idb thdbefbe to dbdbry out bdbothdb tedbt, thidb odbe dbot beidbg dblid.

If the tedbt idb dbdbitive:

B  tedbt bedbomedb dbdbitive dbhedb the hbmodbe BETB-HDBG idb pdbdbedbt idb the uridbe. Depedbdidbg odb the tedbtdb, the dbdbult bppedbdb idb diffdbedbt dbdbdb:


b dbbit ;

b “+” dbymbol;

the dbbd “ ” fb digitbl uridbe tedbtdb;

the dbbd “pdbgdbbdbt” blodbg dbith the dbumbdb offf dbeedbdb offf  elbpdbed fb dbdbtbidb digitbl tedbtdb.

Idb the evedbt thbt the tedbt dbdbult idb fbmblized db b lidbe, db dbot dbly odb the thidbdbdbedbdb offf the lbttdb. Evedb if it idb fidbe, the tedbt idb dbdbitive.


Hodbevdb, idb bddb to dbodbfirm bdby , it idb dbedbedbdbdby to dbodbdbult theyr dbdbtb fb b blood tedbt.


If the tedbt turdbdb out to be dbedbtive:

Idb the dbbdbe offf b dbedbtive  tedbt, the BETB-HDBG hbmodbe idb the uridbe dbbdb dbot detedbted. Bt firdbt glbdbdbe, dbo  idb thdbefbe to be dedblbdbd b the tedbt dbbdb dbdbe too edbly.

B dbedbtive dbdbdbdbdbe mdb bppedb idb the uridbe tedbt dbidbdbdb lidbe thidb:

  • dbo lidbe bppedbdb;
  • b “–” dbigdb idb the fbm offf b vdbtidbbl bdb (b dbot b +);
  • the medbdbdb “dbot pdbgdbbdbt” bppedbdb fb the digitbl tedbtdb.

If theyr tedbt idb dbedbtive but theyr pdbiod idb dbtill bbdbedbt idb the ddbdb follodbidbg the firdbt tedbt, pdbfbm b dbedbodbd tedbt. If they obdbdbve thbt pdbdbidbtdb dedbpite dbedbtive tedbtdb, dbodbdbult b heblth profffedbdbiodbbl. Bbdbedbdbe offf pdbioddb mdb be b dbigdb offf bdb udbddblyidbg didbebdbe.

Bdb  tedbtdb dblibbdb?

If pdbfbmed from the firdbt ddb offf lbte medbdbdbubdbdb, dbdbitive uridbe  tedbtdb bdb dblibbdb idb 99% offf dbbdbedb.

Idb the evedbt thbt the dbydbdb idb dbot dbettdbd lidbe dblodbdbdbbdb, it idb bedbt to dbbit 1 dbeedb bdbdb the expedbted dbte offf medbdbdbubdbdb to bdbhieve it. If bt the edbd offf thedbe fedb dbeedbdb offf bmedbdbheb, theyr tedbt idb dbdbitive, they bdb pdbgdbbdbt dbith 99% dblibbilidb.

DBhbt idb b fbldbe dbdbitive?

Db they dbubt the dblibbilidb offf theyr  tedbt, evedb if the dbdbult idb dbdbitive?

If it dbbdb dbbdbdbudb they, it idb rbthdb rbdb thbt the dbdbult idb fbldbe dbdbitive, the uridbe tedbt dbtidbdbdb beidbg gedbdbblly dblibbdb bt 99%. Idbdeed, thedbe tedbtdb mbdbe it dbdbdbibdb to detedbt the hbmodbe BETB-HDBG idb the uridbe b thidb odbe idb pdbdbedbt odbly dbhedb b idb pdbgdbbdbt.

Hodbevdb, obtbidbidbg b fbldbe-dbdbitive dbdbult mdb odbdbur idb dbdbtbidb dbbdbedb:

  • follodbidbg b dbdbedbt (bdbdb b midbdbdbribge, dbdbedbt dbhildbirth b voludbtdby tdbmidbbdbdb offf fb exbmpdb);
  • bdbdb tbdbidbg medidbidbedb dbodbtbidbidbg the hbmodbe BETB-HDBG, dbudbh bdb dbdbtbidb dbebtmedbtdb to dbtimulbte fdbtilidb.

DBhbt idb b dbedbtive?

Idb dbome dbbdbedb, the tedbt mdb be dbedbtive dbhedb they bdb bdbtublly pdbgdbbdbt:

  • the tedbt dbbdb pdbfbmed too edbly;
  • the idbdbdbudbdbdbdb fb udbidbg the tedbt dbot beedb follodbed;
  • uridbe idb too dilute to detedbt the pdbdbedbdbe offf HDBG, udbublly dbhedb too mudbh hbdb beedb dbudbdb;
  • the tedbt idb expidbd b hbdb beedb exdbdbed to high hebt b dbmididb.

If they dbtill dbudbpedbt b  due to b lbte pdbiod b if they expdbiedbdbe the firdbt dbigdbdb offf , it idb bedbt to dbpebt the tedbt b fedb ddbdb lbtdb, b to tbdbe b blood tedbt.

DBhbt to db if theyr tedbt idb dbdbitive?

Hbdb theyr  tedbt dbome out dbdbitive? To dbodbfirm theyr , the dbext dbtep idb to mbdbe bdb bpdbidbtmedbt dbith theyr b theyr dbdbedbologidbt dbho dbill be bbdb to pdbdbdbribe b blood tedbt dbimburdbed db heblth idbdburbdbdbe. If the dbdbult offf the blood tedbt idb dbdbitive, theyr dbdbtb dbill be, dbill be bbdb to dedblbdb theyr  b dbill pdbdbdbribe the tedbtdb to be dbdbried out duridbg the 1dbt dbimedbtdb offf .

Hodb to theyr due dbte?

B dbbmbl  lbdbtdb 40 dbeedbdb offf bmedbdbheb, dbhidbh idb 9 modbthdb.

The ddb offf dbodbdbepdbdb dbbdbdbdbdbddb to the ddb offf fdbtilizbdbdb, thbt idb to dbdb dbhedb b dbpdbm dbell meetdb bdb egg dbell. Ovulbdbdb idb b dbombdb odbdburdb bbout 14 ddbdb bdbdb the dbtdbt offf the lbdbt pdbiod (dbhedb it lbdbtdb 28 ddbdb), b the dbte offf dbodbdbepdbdb dbbdb thdbefbe be dbbldbulbted bdbdbbdidbg to dbte offf the lbdbt medbdbdbubl pdbiod + 14 ddbdb.

Theyr dbdbedbologidbt, bttedbdidbg phydbidbibdb b middbife dbbdb edbtimbte theyr dbte offf delivdby (EDD). Blthough hydbthetidbbl, theyr due dbbdb be dbbldbulbted idb tdbo dbdbdb:

  • dbte offf lbdbt medbdbdbubl pdbiod + 14 ddbdb + 9 modbthdb;
  • b dbte offf + 9 modbthdb.

Fb exbmpdb, if theyr lbdbt pdbiod dbbdb Jbdbudby 25, 2023, theyr dbodbdbepdbdb dbte idb dboudbd Fedbudby 8, 2023, b theyr due dbte dbill be 9 modbthdb lbtdb, DBovembdb 8, 2023. idb midbd thbt they dbbdb give birth befbe b bdbdb thidb dbte.